Anberlin is 7 months old! :)
Normally, I take notes throughout the month of things that happened so I know what to blog about. You have no idea how hard it is to recall things that happened in the last month, at least for me! Also, please make note how the "7 months" sign is behind her on the wall. She found it during her photoshoot and as cute as it was, it wasn't working for us. Here is an outtake:
OMG, I'm *SEVEN* months! |
Anberlin had her 6 month baby check up and she is fit as a fiddle. She now weighs 21.5 pounds and is 27 inches long. She had to get some more shots, which we both cried at again. (By both of us, I mean Bay and me, not Brad, haha.) I recall that she had a hard time napping that day which we thought was weird because normally shot days meant really good sleep days. Way to throw us for a loop Bay!
She is now eating all sorts of different foods! She tends to like veggies more than fruits, which I think is awesome! So far she has tried avocado, banana, squash, pear, broccoli, and sweet potato. We still have a few more foods we will try and then I am going to start roasting and mixing them! We have Tyler Florence's baby cook book and I love it. I can't wait to start making meals from it that work for both her and us.
Broccoli. Don't let this face fool you, she loves it! |
Sweet Potato face! |
This was her reaction to bananas. But she loves them now! |
More sweet potatoes! |
Squash! Another favorite! |
We started doing baby sign language with her because we have heard good things about it. Naturally she doesn't get it right away, but the more we use it the more it will sink in and they say that babies will use signs by 8 months, so we shall see. So far she kind of signs "milk" but we think it might just be because she likes to make that motion with her hand all the time anyway. Haha.

She is moving around a lot more nowadays. She is stuck in reverse but can get around the whole living room backwards. She actually got behind the couch a few nights ago! She can finally roll over from front to back! A milestone I thought we would NEVER reach. And she can also get into the sitting position from her belly! WHAT! I know, right! She is growing up so fast! Her legs are really strong and she loves standing up but is still working on her balance and stuff. We are pretty sure that she will be crawling by the end of the month, which means I will actually have to watch her! Haha. And that also means that Grandma Ebert is going to have to remove all her breakable houses from the bottom selves of her entertainment center in the living room! ;)
I wonder what Grandma keeps in here... |
Behind the couch! |
Send help! |
Scooching. |
Push up position! |
Last weekend I had to go out of town to shoot a wedding in Michigan, so that left Brad alone with Bay for the first time! This is what he had to say about that:
My biggest fear, for the weekend was getting Anberlin to nap and go to
bed without any issue. Turns out I need not worry. One thing Anberlin
does well is her morning nap and going to bed at her usual time. I also
had the help from Grandma and Grandpa (my parents), and her Uncle Bryan.
Anberlin was on her normal routine Saturday morning and so we joined
Grandpa outside to watch him wash the Corvette.
The evening
was filled with a trip to Outdoor World where we watched the big fish in
the tank and looking at the taxidermy animals.
Sleeping through the
night Saturday had a small bump, with having to feed her, but we
survived. Sunday morning Grandma and Grandpa monitored her while she
slept and I met a friend from work. Anberlin and I also joined our
friend Bryan for lunch in the afternoon. It was an enjoyable weekend,
and amidst all the worrying and stress, of being without Jenna, we did
pretty well. I enjoyed my time with her over the weekend and have a
little more confidence in taking her by myself when needed.

She has been really good at sleeping for the most part. We have her on a nice schedule where she wakes up between 6:30am and 7:00am, then she plays for a few hours, gets some solid food, then takes a nap for 2 hours. This is normally her only nap of the day even though she gets REALLY tired in the afternoon, she refuses to take a second nap. So we run errands, play, cuddle, read, whatever we can think of until dinner time where she gets some more solids, sometimes takes a bath, and then goes to bed between 7:30pm and 8:00pm. And then get this... she sleeps through the night! *gasp* I know right. We only get one bad night a week usually and that is okay in my book.
Our house is coming along pretty quickly. It actually LOOKS like a house now! :)
Not much planned for this month with us, however, all the baby websites are saying that this month will be when Bay starts hitting a lot of milestones like waving goodbye and blowing a kiss. I guess we gotta get cracking on that stuff. It seems like every week she does something new, whether it's a new facial expression or noise from her mouth. She is so smart and it's so much fun watching her grow like this. <3