Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Oh boy!... Or girl! {20 weeks!}

This morning we had our 20 week anatomy scan, where they measured Bean all over and made sure that everything is good. They didn't tell us anything bad, so I guess no news is good news! Bean was measuring 2 days ahead, but the tech said that this will fluctuate a little throughout the pregnancy. The appointment was by far the longest we have had. They told me to come in with a full bladder, so before the appointment I drank somewhere around 40 ounces of water and juice. And naturally I was late to get called into the exam room. So for most of the morning I was an uncomfortable mess who was afraid to sneeze because I would probably wet myself. When I finally got into the exam room, the tech said that my bladder was SUPER full and that she would try to go as fast as she could to get her calculations. Then after about 15 minutes, she let me pee. It was almost the highlight of my morning. Almost. Haha. She told me to go grab Brad who was still in the waiting room while she talked to the radiologist. When she came back she let us take a look at Bean and I asked her to find out the gender for us. Unfortunately, Bean's legs were locked together. Haha. Which makes me glad that we paid for an early gender scan a few weeks ago. Then she took some pictures for us and sent us on our way.
Profile (my favorite):
 Face and fist pump:
 Arm and body:

And now, for the moment you all have been waiting for... the gender! We decided to have a little party with some friends to celebrate/reveal the gender of Bean. I had a cake made and the inside filling disclosed the goods. My friend Helene did an AWESOME job of decorating her house for the occasion and she even carved a pumpkin for Bean. It was the cutest thing ever!

And here is the video of the cake cutting:
(watch the video before scrolling down!)

The Proof:

So there you have it. Our little Bean is a girl! We were both expecting to see boy parts and when the tech showed us that she was a she, we both got really quite. The tech was like, "Are you guys okay?" Haha. We are totally happy because she is healthy and that is what matters. :)

This week Bean is the size of a small cantaloupe! Which I didn't buy because of that listeria scare, haha.
And some fun facts about Bean:
Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. She's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against her torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of her head to her bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, she's measured from head to toe.) She's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for her digestive system. She's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in her bowels, and you'll see it in her first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery). If you're carrying a girl fetus, her uterus is fully formed this week and her vaginal canal is starting its development (which means that in about twenty-five or thirty-some-odd years, she could be just where you're at, Grandma!). She also has primitive eggs in her tiny little ovaries now, seven million of them — though by the time she's born, that number will be down to two million (still more than she could ever hope to use). And interestingly, your baby girl will be born with all the eggs she'll ever have. 

And finally, the bump. Which is getting more and more noticeable by the second. I had two people ask me when my due date was this week alone. I guess am actually looking pregnant now. Ha.

Until next week...

<3 Brad & Jenna

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this special moment with me and my family. We love the three of you so much! xoxoxoxox
