Last Friday and Saturday we had two different classes to go to. On Friday, we had a 2 hour Infant Care class. Basically it covered what your baby will look like when she is born and what are normal things to see. We learned about changing diapers and swaddling and feedings... It was a quick class but I am glad we went. Then Saturday we had a "Prepared Childbirth" class which was about 6 hours long. That class was more in-depth about what happens during labor and what our options are during labor. The main thing the Nurse continually reminded us was that we have to relax. R E L A X. And breathe. She gave us some exercises to do at home to help us train our body to breathe and relax. I normally do them in the shower if I remember. I know our options and what our hospital is capable of and can do and based on that I have been working on my birth plan. I am currently reading a book called "Natural Hospital Birth" to get myself prepared also. As of right now, I am planning on going as natural as possible with the labor. I am also going to remain flexible based on how well I am handling the pain, though. My main goal is to avoid having a C-Section.
The last few hours of the class was about breastfeeding. Besides the fact that it is FREE, it really is better for the baby and for me, which is why I am choosing to breastfeed. I know it will be harder and I am ready for that challenge.
My belly has been dropping slowly. I like to say that Bean is on her final descent down to her destination and she needs to put her tray table up and get her seat in the upright position. ;) I am feeling more pressure in my pelvis, but I am still having trouble breathing because she is dropping sloooowly.
We had an OB appointment this morning. We got to see one of our favorite doctors today and that made me happy. We heard Bean's heartbeat and then we had a really quick ultrasound to verify that she is in fact head down and facing the right direction. That was a huge relief for me. Brad tried to get a video of the ultrasound but the screen was really dark and it didn't come out that well. I didn't really get to see anything either but just hearing that everything is right made me feel way better.
One thing they didn't check was if I was dilated. I know a few girls who are a week behind me has been checked and are dilated. I wish I had some progress to report there. Oh well...
I finally got one of my coworkers to take a picture of me in uniform, which I like to call "The Tent". I think it makes me look a lot bigger than I really am. Haha.
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The Tent |
And here is my weekly belly picture.
Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If she's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If she's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time she's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after she's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)
I do wonder what she will look like, so much. I am so anxious to meet her. Brad's mom asked us this weekend if we think she will have curly hair or straight hair. I think it will be straight because my hair is stick straight and so is *almost* everyone else on my side. It's that Navajo Indian blood we have. Haha. And I am kind of hoping for her to have brown hair like me. I just don't want a blonde haired, blue eyed little girl running around breaking hearts when she is older. Haha. And I would love to eventually have a little boy who looks just like Brad. <3
As far as I go, I am feeling good. I am moving slower and waddling more. I have been REALLY tired lately and trying to get in as many naps as I can now. Haha. I know that sleep is going to become a foreign thing to me soon, so I am trying to get as much as I can before Bean gets here. I have been getting Braxton Hicks contractions but those are pretty normal for me. Other than that, no signs of labor are happening. Naturally, we discuss places that we don't want my water to break, which is really anywhere except at home. Haha. Luckily next week I will be working from home because I really don't want my water breaking there! ;)
Our next appointment is in a week. And then a week after that is our due date! :)
Until next week...
<3 Brad, Jenna, and Bean
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