Thursday, March 1, 2012

Over due! {41 weeks}

Well, here we are 9 days past our due date. And even for someone who doesn't mind being pregnant and who is never on time for anything in her life, even *I* am annoyed that Bean isn't here yet. It's like you wait and counting down for this magic date. You stress about everything being ready on time. Then this date gets here (and you still don't have everything done) and the date flies by (and you STILL don't have everything done) and you also still don't have a baby.

I think the hardest part for me is the waiting and the not knowing if/when anything is going to happen. You can only try everything under the sun to induce yourself naturally until you start to wonder if all these "tricks" that worked for so many women, were just coincidence. (They probably were.)

In any rate, we met with our Nurse today and she checked my cervix and GUESS WHAT!? For the first time in three weeks I was actually dilated! Only 1cm but that is progress! Unfortunately, we were kind of forced into picking an induction date because we are so close to 42 weeks. Soooo, we did. But to keep this interesting we aren't going to say what date we picked! Haha. See how fun that is?! So only we know when we will be going in for sure to get this ball rolling. However, ever since our appointment this morning I have felt more "contractions", if you will, so maybe she will just come out on her own sometime tonight! Who knows!? Haha.

That's really all we have to update with. There is always more we can do around the house to be better prepared, but I think that relaxing and napping trump most of those things and that we should just enjoy these last few quiet moments NOT doing anything, while we still have the chance.

I never thought I would have a "41 weeks" picture, haha.
A bit over 20 inches long, your baby has continued to grow and may now weigh almost 8 pounds. As cozy as she is, your baby can't stay inside you forever. For your baby's safety, your practitioner will talk with you about inducing labor if your baby isn't born in the next week — earlier if there are any problems. Most practitioners won't let you wait more than two weeks past your due date to give birth because it puts you and your baby at increased risk for complications. About 5 to 6 percent of women have prolonged pregnancies that extend three or more weeks beyond their estimated due dates. Babies born at 42 weeks and beyond can have dry parchment-like skin and are often overweight. Waiting that long to deliver also increases your chance of developing an infection in your uterus that could be dangerous for your baby or of having a stillbirth. What's more, your labor is more likely to be prolonged or stalled, both you and your baby have an increased risk of injury during a vaginal delivery, and you double your chances of needing a c-section.

So, there you have it. Sometime this week we will finally meet our daughter and you will all finally know what her name REALLY is! ;)

The next time you see a post from us, there WILL be a baby here.
{OMG we are going to be parents!!!}

<3 Brad, Jenna, & Bean

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