Friday, April 20, 2012

Baby's firsts...

When you are only 6.5 weeks old, you get a lot of chances to have your "first" things. Like Anberlin had her first Friday the 13th last Friday. It was also the start of her first road trip, through her first set of different states, to her first baseball game where she saw her first homerun. She had a pretty awesome set of firsts this weekend. :) She was suuuuch a good baby on the road trip too. We were able to drive about 2-2.5 hours before needing to stop and she would sleep pretty much the whole time. Then when we stopped for the night in a hotel, she would sleep in her pack and play with ease and would only want to be fed once in the night. We couldn't have asked for an easier time with her. 
We found her a little STL Cardinals hat!
Hanging out inside.
After the Cardinals won! :)
Hanging out inside with dad.
Playing in the hotel room.
Crying baby
Still so cute, even when she is crying.
Playing in the trunk after a diaper change.
WHEW. Roadtripping is hard!

And then on Wednesday, she had another set of firsts... her first shots! :( The appointment started out with a basic check up. She is now 12.6 lbs and almost 23 inches long and healthy as can be. They had us fill out this assessment of things that she does, or should be doing at 2 months, and she is well off the charts AND she is only 7 weeks old! :) After the appointment part, it was time for her to get her shots. I sent Brad into the room with her for that because I KNEW I wouldn't be able to handle it. So they walk over to the room where they give the shots. It's pretty far from me, but I could see inside the room still. And then out of nowhere I hear an ear piercing scream and I KNEW it was my little baby and so I started crying. The way it went down in the room according to Brad was that she was just laying on the table all smiles. Brad was behind her head holding her arms and she had two corpsmen on either side of her legs. She was looking up at the smiling and completely unaware of what was about to happen, then BAM they both shoot her at the same time. Then it was a one, two, three kind of reaction from Anberlin, like she was processing what happened before screaming and crying. Then they bandaged her up and sent her on her way. When she came out of the room she was fine, not even crying anymore. Me, on the other hand, still crying. Haha.

One of the battle wounds. :(
Little Anberlin has had a very eventful week and right now her grandma and grandpa (Jenna's parents) are here visiting. :)

Until next time....
<3 Brad, Jenna, and Anby

Thursday, April 12, 2012

She is going to be a talker!

Anberlin has found her voice. Well, what little voice she has for now. She loooves talking to us. It's the cutest thing ever. During the day, I will read her "Hop on Pop" and she will laugh and talk back as I am reading it. Then during playtime, I have her lay under a mirror on her activity mat and she talks to herself. I was able to get some of it on camera for your enjoyment. I am warning you now, it's so full of cute you won't know what to do with yourself. ;)
 {There are a few more videos on my YouTube if you want to watch them.}

Also, I got a video of her talking to Brad tonight before bedtime.

We are heading on our first road trip with Anberlin tomorrow. We are going to St. Louis for Opening weekend at Busch Stadium. It will be Anby's first baseball game! It is going to be a long drive so if you could send us some good vibes that all will go well, that would be greeaaatttt. Especially because she has been going through a growth spurt and eating NONSTOP all day. Oh, growing babies. <3

Monday, April 2, 2012

One Month!

 Anberlin is one month old today! :)

We have all had a really eventful month. From learning the ropes as a parent to her learning the ropes of how to live outside the womb. ;)
The first few nights at home were rough. Thinking back on it, I feel like hospitals shouldn't allow you to be discharged after like 3pm because it makes for a culture shock for everyone involved. Anberlin had no idea where she was or what has happening so she cried a lot those first two nights home until she got acclimated. But we survived... barely. By taking turns sleeping on the couch while she was in her pack and play in the living room. I recall crying because she was crying. Yeah, being a parent is hard. Haha.
But we had some help come a few days after we got home from the hospital. Brad's mom came to visit for a little over a week. She was a lot of help for us and would take some of the early morning shifts with Anberlin so we could sleep a little longer. She also got us out of the house and we went up to a small town north of us and also to DC. So Anberlin got to see the White House.
 After Brad's mom left we had a short break before Brad's brother arrived for a few days to see the baby. It was nice to have him around and for him to meet his niece.
She was scared of him at first...
...but he grew on her. ;)
And now it is just us again. Brad is back at work now and I am almost officially a Stay-At-Home Mom. I have a few more weeks left in Navy until I am separated. We are trying to get into somewhat of a routine with Anberlin but I honestly have no idea what to do with a newborn all day. So I feed her, play with her, and let her sleep, which she does a lot of during the day... She is actually not that bad of a sleeper during the night. Some nights she doesn't want to sleep at all and then others I will only have to get up once in the middle of the night to take care of her. She has been sleeping in her room, in her crib, pretty much the whole time, which is awesome because we were not fond of the idea of her sleeping in our room at all.
I think that we have been blessed with an amazing baby. She is so alert when she is awake and she smiles all the time!
I love watching her grow and learn. It's amazing to me to look at pictures from a month ago when she was born and see the changes she has already made. She is growing up wayyyy too fast already. <3