Friday, July 13, 2012

We've been busy! {4 months!}

 Anberlin is 4 months old! <3

This has been a busy month for the Bay! And really a busy month for all of us. So busy that I am late posting the blog, which really bums me out. And the longer I postpone it, the more that happens. But for the sake of keeping this info within her 3 - 4 month update, I am stopping at whatever happened on July 2nd, when she hit 4 months. Everything else will happen on her 5 month blog. And there *might* even be a little road trip blog in between if I can find the time.

Since the decision was made that we were moving back to Arizona, we started thinking about the few things we would miss from the DMV area. One of those things was watching the Nationals play some baseball. We managed to take Anberlin to a few games before we moved, but we had to leave early both times because she got fussy. I don't blame her. One day we were in a heat advisory so we hid out in a restaurant and enjoyed the game from there. Sometimes you have to do things for your kids and we are learning that more and more now.

Bay has been getting so much better at sleeping through the night. In fact, we had a 5 day stretch at one point where she slept through the night! Five. Whole. Days. It was awesome. But even just getting up once is better than multiple trips to her room. The only issue we have now is that she loves to sleep with her binky in and naturally it falls out once she is asleep. But if she wakes up and realizes it's gone she will start to cry until you run (as fast as you can) into her room and replace it (before she can full wake up and freak out). Sometimes that happens a few times a night. It's pretty annoying... Some days I wish we never introduced that thing. But I am thinking that a 4 day, across country road trip without it would have been hell. But that is for another blog... ;)

Father's Day happened this month and it fell on our anniversary weekend. We went out to our favorite pizza place in Bethesda and Anberlin slept pretty much the whole time, which is unheard of nowadays. But I think that was her gift to us. :) We also bought a new baby carrier and both Brad & myself tried it out during the weekend. Baby carrier is just so much easier than using a stroller at some things.

Our baby is growing fast! She is already in size 3 diapers and wearing size 6 - 9 month clothes. She is just healthy and her little chub is adorable.

We took a lot of trips to the park and even a trip to the beach!

Then, the biggest news ever, was that on July 2nd, the move happened. Movers came and packed up all our stuff. They were there ALL DAY. And we seriously could not have asked for a better baby during that long stressful day. She didn't fuss until the end of the day when bedtime should have been happening, so I took her for a car ride. I had to feed her in a bathroom on the floor, but she didn't mind. And then once it was way past her bedtime, she laid with me in an empty room on a blanket on the floor and just talked to me for a while and let me tell her stories until she fell asleep. She really is the best baby on the planet.
So, that was up until her 4 month mark. If we don't get a road trip post done, the 5 month post is going to be a doozy, so let's hope I can find some time to do that. Haha. :)
I will end on some pictures of Anberlin and people she met this month.