Sunday, February 3, 2013

Almost there... {11 months!}

Anberlin is 11 months old! <3
Wow. These past 11 months have flown by and in one short month we will have a ONE YEAR OLD. I can't believe it. We have been so blessed with this amazing, beautiful little girl that we love so much. Our lives have changed and we wouldn't take it back for anything.
It is so awesome watching this little human grow and change and learn from day to day. Even if it is just little things like her understanding things that we say. Like, we normally have our stair case blocked off with a baby gate (obviously) but when it is bed time or just time for us to go upstairs we can ask her if she wants to climb the stairs and she knows exactly what we mean and will crawl over to the stairs. She is brilliant, I tell you. I started putting these little clips in her hair to keep her hair out of her face and they worked for a few days until she started to notice them and pulled them out of her hair. But she will then try to put them back in by putting her hand up to the side of her head. Haha. Then we ask her where her "pretties" are and she will do the same thing. It's cute.
She isn't walking yet, but she cruises the furniture really well. We try to help her get used to walking but right now she walks mainly on her tip toes when you try. I guess she is getting ready for heels. Haha. But she really just prefers to crawl everywhere. I am starting to wonder if she will ever walk at all. I had this weird fear before she started to crawl, too.

We keep trying new foods with her at least once a week and so far the only thing she doesn't like is avocado. I have even tried mixing it with other things, but she finds it and refuses to eat it. But her pallet is pretty good. She has had avocado, banana, eggplant, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, green beans, pears, apples, mango, blueberries, carrot, sweet potato, squash, rice, cheerios, and oatmeal. We still only feed her breakfast and dinner every day and then lunch on occasion. She has also started wanting to feed herself with the spoon. It's a little messier but so adorable.

She has been sleeping pretty well in her new room. I think we recently had a growth spurt happen because she wanted some milk in the middle of the night. But I have recently decided to not go get her in the middle of the night if she starts fussing but is trying to go back to sleep. We want to start weaning when she hits one year and I think it would be better if she isn't used to getting milk in the middle of the night all the time already. I am seriously worried about this weaning process. Part of me is worried it will be a lot harder than I think, and part of me is going to miss having all these precious moments of just me and her and that bond that we have now. I am so happy that I was able to nurse her and for her whole first year and I know I am going to be a little sad when it is over.
She has been talking more and more. I don't know if we can officially say she has said her first word but she can say "mama", "dada", and "puh" (which is puppy). The only thing that she will associate and repeat back is "puh". We try to talk to her as much as possible to help build her vocabulary. She now has 8 teeth, 4 on top and 4 on bottom. And I am sure that the rest will just keep on coming in now. No stopping those keep from growing!

 Well.... in case you were wondering, YES, we are finally in our beautiful house. We have been in our house for about 3 weeks now and we are sooo happy. We got all of the painting done before we moved in our furniture and we have been fully unpacked for about a week now. We are now in the tedious step of taking moving stickers off furniture and making the house look how we want it to. I know I said I would post some pictures but I am going to wait and do a blog post strictly on our house and even have a walk through video! :) So bare with me on that. But we love it and are so happy to have a place to call our own. I want to say THANK YOU to all of our parents who helped us out in one way or another. You four have been the biggest help the past 6 months I don't know if we will ever be able to repay you! Thank you so much for everything. <3 And also our friends and Brad's brother Bryan who helped us move our stuff and have just been here for us in Vegas. We are so blessed to have you all in our lives.

 Since we have been in our new house, we have taken a few trips to the park and then yesterday we went on a wagon ride with Grandma Ebert. I love being able to take Anberlin out of the house to do these types of things. This is where she is going to grow up and I can't wait to watch that happen in this place we call home.

This month is going to fly by, I just know it. I am going to be busy planning a certain little girl's birthday party! :) Plus it's also my birthday month! So until next month when we finish off this monthly documentation by hitting ONE YEAR. <3 <3 <3