Tuesday, December 4, 2012

So many milestones! {9 months!}

Anberlin is 9 months old! <3

Anberlin has officially been alive as long as it took me to make her. :) This has been a very eventful 9 months and she has grown up so much. And even though it all happens SO FAST, it's still funny to think that some animals mature by now, and Bay can't even walk yet. Haha.
Well, she may not be able to walk just yet but she is well on her way. This month she excelled at crawling and then learned how to pull herself up on things and stand. She got so good at that, that we had to drop her crib mattress down, even! She hasn't really taken any steps yet but she has stood without holding on to anything a few times. She also climbed up on step all by herself at the townhouse in Vegas. Can my baby stop growing now???
Playing at Hastings.

Obviously this was her first Thanksgiving and it was a very nice day spent with family all watching her crawl around. Then for her Thanksgiving meal she had sweet potato fries, green beans, and some turkey. Most of her meal ended up on the floor for the dogs once she realized that she could drop it for them and they would eat it, but she still tried some new foods and had fun. 
Bay & Anna
Dad making Bay make some noises by bumping under her chin with his finger.
Eating her Thanksgiving dinner!

Our days are still pretty routine. We wake up anywhere between 5-6 now, though, because for some reason she forgot how to sleep in and likes to wake up screaming really early. Then she plays inside until around 9:30, when we give her breakfast and then put her down for a nap. She will usually sleep until 12, or 1 if she is really tired. Then she is up for the rest of the day. Some days she gets a lunch/snack in the afternoon which is usually sweet potato fries or some other finger veggie. Then she spends the day crawling inside the house, outside in the backyard, or trying to get through the doggy door. Haha. I am still nursing her and she gets that 5-6 times a day. We plan to start weaning her after her first birthday.
Not nearly as excited.
Exploring dad's beard.
Baby feet!
Bath time!
Trying to grab the camera.
Helping mom bake cookies!
 In the past week we noticed that she had a new tooth coming in on the top, but it isn't one of her center front teeth. It is one next to it on the left (if you're looking at her). But it looks like her front two are going to follow soon. But she is still a really good teether. We seriously have no idea she has a tooth coming in until we check her gums out because she doesn't really act grumpier than usual. Or many we just have a naturally grumpy baby and can't tell the difference. Haha.

She also has gotten really good at waving in the past few days. At first it started out with moving her arm, but now she can full on open and close both her hands like a normal wave. She loves to wave at everything and she also uses it to let us know when she wants something. She is so smart.

We went out on our first family hiking trip through Sara Park with our friend Kayla, Kenny, and their little boy Roxas. It was so much fun! This was the first time me and Kayle have ever went and obviously toting babies isn't an easy task, but we did it! It was a 2.5 mile hike through the desert, through some rock they call Sara's crack, and then to the lake (and then 2.5 miles back!). I would love to do it again but maybe not go all the way to the lake, haha. It was tiring. When we got home Anberlin took a 3 hour nap. She was pooped. Haha.
Hanging out on Dad's back.
So comfy.
Climbing down the crack.
Passed out!
She was pretty happy after her nap on dad's back.
Our family. <3
We had some ducks get really close to us.
As for our house, we have a walk-through on December 20th, so 16 more days! We probably won't be in the house before Christmas though. It looks like we won't get our keys until December 27th and then we have to paint and move all our things. So hopefully we will be in there before the new year, at least! We are just so excited and ready to be in our own home. These are the latest pictures we got on it though.

My new kitchen! <3 <3 <3

Master Bathroom

So, I think that covers it for our month. Hopefully next month we will be in our house and getting settled in there. We cannot wait! :)

Brad, Jenna, & Anberlin