Saturday, November 3, 2012

On the move! {8 months}

Anberlin is 8 months old!

October is a really fun month. It's the beginning of fall so the weather in the desert drops down enough that we can have the doors to the house open pretty much all day. You get to have pumpkin in everything. Halloween happens. I mean, what is not to love about October?!

October has been a really fun month for Anberlin, too! She is really hitting these milestones now and her personality is showing through!

She figured out how to crawl this month! And boy does she loved being able to go around and explore the house. It took her a while to get used to crawling and we had to entice her at first with my phone. But now she is always on the go!

She is also getting better at waving to people. She doesn't do it every time we wave at her and she doesn't really do it when she is leaving, but it's so cute. She also does a kissy noise with her mouth that can sometimes looks like a fish face. And she has started giving kisses too! They are sloppy and she pretty much just licks your face but it melts my heart every single time. Baby kisses are the best!

We took Anberlin to her first Oktoberfest at her great Uncle's restaurant in Phoenix called Haus Murphy's. She had a lot of fun dancing and singing. We did the chicken dance with her cousin Shanon and watched all the people dance around and "OY! OY! OY!" Haha. We can't wait to take her again next year when she will be walking around and she will be able to enjoy it more.

For Halloween, we dressed Bay up as Audrey Hepburn. I got the idea from the internet, of course, but I made her costume and she looked adorable. She even won second place in a costume contest! We took her out in her costume to a Fall Fun Fair at the park and then to a Pumpkin Festival. Then on Halloween we took her out to main street for trick or treating. And no, she didn't get any candy. Haha. She is far too young for candy. Maybe I'll let her eat candy on her third Halloween. ;)

She also got to enjoy her first parade. We were a little hesitant to take her because it was during her (only) naptime, but she had fun and loved looking at everything and everyone that went by. :)
I was really looking forward to this season because I have seen so many adorable photos that I wanted to recreate with her. We only did one of my ideas but it turned out SO CUTE that I don't even care that we didn't do the other one.

She still only has two teeth and I am not even certain they are all the way up yet. Her hair is growing in really light in comparison to what is still left on her head. I received an email saying that her eye color is pretty much set now. I see green and Brad sees brown, so it's safe to say that they are hazel. We think that she has been losing some weight since she has gotten mobile. She is about 20 lbs now, give or take. And she is getting taller and taller every day. Our growing girl. <3

Our house is moving along... slowly, thanks to all the rain that Vegas has gotten recently. Our move in date got moved to mid-December. Here is the most recent picture of the house:

Time really is flying though. Before we know it we will be living in our own house, and then it will be Christmas, and then Bay will turn 1 year old, and then she will be going off to college.... Haha. Well maybe not that fast, right? I love documenting her life though, month by month. It's so great being able to look back and watch her grow. She is truly a blessing to us and we are so thankful to have her in our life. <3