Wednesday, June 29, 2011

6 weeks! {Bump Day!}

Today we hit 6 weeks! The nausea has started in mild waves throughout the day. I am also taking a lot of after work naps. Which I am not complaining about! Haha.

Our baby is now the size of a sweet pea:

 My bump does not reflect that at all, haha:

Our first appointment is now ONE WEEK away! Yay! We are so excited! Luckily we have a nice long weekend to keep our mind off of it. I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July! :)

<3 Brad & Jenna

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

5 weeks! {Bump Day!}

Okay, so I am sure it is FAR too early for me to be showing, but now I have an excuse for being so fat (whether it be bloating or the baby or the fact that I love food A LOT). But I wanted to start taking belly pictures early to watch the progress. So every Wednesday will be BUMP DAY! Woo!

Here is 5 weeks along:

Right now the baby is the size of an appleseed. :)

Only two more weeks until our first appointment and ultrasound! I can't wait! Still not many symptoms except my need for a nap everyday (or sometimes twice a day, haha)! Maybe I will be one of the lucky ones who never gets morning sickness. ;)

<3 Brad & Jenna

Monday, June 20, 2011

Got my numbers from my second blood draw!

We have been waiting for our numbers from my second blood draw since Friday... but we finally got a call today and my beta was at 308!! Yay! Everything is looking good!
The main reason we were waiting for this was because we now have a date for our first appointment & ultrasound: July 6th! 

Looks like we have some more waiting to do....

<3 Brad & Jenna

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Poppy Seed

That's how big our baby is right now. The size of a poppy seed. That's tiny. But it's growing fast!

As of right now, we are still waiting on the results from our second blood draw that I did on Friday. Once I get that number they will set us up with our first appointment! :)
I don't really have any horrible symptoms yet. I am expecting the morning sickness to start any freaking minute though, haha.

<3 Brad & Jenna

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

After almost two years...

We are finally pregnant!!!

Yesterday, I got a super faint positive test and decided to go get my blood drawn even though I was only 12 days past ovulation. After a long day of waiting and waiting and waiting we got the official call back from the doctor saying that we are in fact pregnant! My beta numbers were 25, which I think is the normal range for 12 days past ovulation. I go in for my second blood draw on Friday and my numbers should be MUCH higher then!

But until then, please obsess with me over the gorgeousness of this:

I took this before work today. The lines are so dark and pretty. If you compare it to my test from last cycle, it's like night and day. And this is one day sooner than I tested last cycle. I think this baby is going to stick and we could not be happier!!

<3 Brad and Jenna

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hello June! Bring us good news only, okay?

Can you believe it's JUNE already?! Where has this year gone?...

So, today we had IUI #2. I really don't think we could have had better timing with this IUI, honestly. Plus the doctor we had this time was super nice and really sounded hopeful with the numbers and the way things looked. I am seriously on the moon excited right now. This is it. This is our month. I can feel it. :)

Now comes the hardest part of it all... the long, dreaded, two week wait. Siiiigh. Luckily, by the time we can test will be right around our anniversary! Talk about making this the best anniversary ever.

Hopefully the next time I post we will have GOOD NEWS!

<3 Brad and Jenna