Tuesday, June 14, 2011

After almost two years...

We are finally pregnant!!!

Yesterday, I got a super faint positive test and decided to go get my blood drawn even though I was only 12 days past ovulation. After a long day of waiting and waiting and waiting we got the official call back from the doctor saying that we are in fact pregnant! My beta numbers were 25, which I think is the normal range for 12 days past ovulation. I go in for my second blood draw on Friday and my numbers should be MUCH higher then!

But until then, please obsess with me over the gorgeousness of this:

I took this before work today. The lines are so dark and pretty. If you compare it to my test from last cycle, it's like night and day. And this is one day sooner than I tested last cycle. I think this baby is going to stick and we could not be happier!!

<3 Brad and Jenna