Sunday, June 3, 2012

Now that we have a routine, things are changing. {3 months!}

 Anberlin is 3 months old!

It's been three whole months since we brought our sweet little girl into the world. But honestly, it has felt like we have had her our whole lives. 

May has been a busy and exciting month for all of us. We took Anby to watch the Diamondbacks play the Nationals.
She doesn't seem to mind the noise of the game or the people yelling. She actually does really well at baseball games. She can even sleep while we are at them! And when we are home so loves watching baseball on the TV with Daddy. It's adorable.

We have a little obsession with Food Trucks and they are really popular around here, so on Cinco De Mayo, we went to a food truck festival that was going on in DC called Trucko De Mayo. Anby was on her best behavior there. We really can take her anywhere with us and she is always good. (Well, most of the time. ;))

And then Mother's Day happened. :) Brad got me a day at the spa and it was wonderful. Naturally I missed my little Bay but I was in need of a nice pampering, so I enjoyed it. And then Anberlin gave me her own little present: she slept through the night!! Awesome right? Well, it would have been a lot better if I wasn't awake most of the night staring at the baby monitor wondering if she is okay. Plus, when I woke up my "milk jugs" were REALLY full and it kind of hurt, haha.

Anberlin has really been learning a lot this month. It's so amazing to watch her learn new things and take everything in. This month her new obsession is her mouth. She found her mouth and LOVES to put her fingers in it! Sometimes it's just two fingers, and sometimes she will squeeze as many as she can in there. And if it's not her fingers, it is her toys. She has gotten really good I grabbing her toys, pulling them to her mouth and then licking or sucking on them. The problem is, she drops them immediately because she can't get a suction on them like she does when she eats. Haha. It's pretty cute. She also likes to lick things. Mostly her blankets, burp rags, toys, and any skin she can come in contact with. I think this is all just her way of learning what her mouth does.


She is still really vocal. She loves to talk in the mornings the most. That's when we get the most smiles from her as well. She can get really high pitched with her squeals sometimes and it kind of hurts our ears. Haha.

Her sleeping patterns are getting better. We are down to a pretty good routine during the day. She gets three naps in normally, but sometimes they are only 15 minutes long. I get the longest naps from her on bath days, which is twice a week, and she will sleep about 2 hours during those naps. She still gets a little cranky during the evenings. Sometimes the only interaction Brad gets with her during the evenings is trying to console a screaming baby. But I think we are getting her on a good sleeping schedule. Bedtime is between 8-9 and she has actually slept through the night about 5 or 6 times since Mother's Day. If she doesn't sleep through the night, I am normally only having to get up once, twice on a "bad night". I don't know what we did to make this happen. We cluster feed her at night, which means she gets fed at one hour intervals from around 6-8. But we don't do the cry-it-out method because when she cries, I cry, and I just couldn't handle that. So, I do nurse and rock her to sleep and that works for us. I have been trying to put her down with her eyes open as of lately just so I know she can fall asleep on her own, and that has been working well, too. All in all I am pretty happy with how things are right now. :)

With that being said... things are actually about to change big time. After a lot of discussions and things just not going as planned here in Maryland... we decided to move back home to Arizona. Yup. We should be leaving sometime in July, but we are waiting on the moving dates from the Navy, who is moving us for free. We are not 100% sure of what we are going to do there, but we know it is better than staying here. Sometimes you just have to take that risk and hope that everything works out. Plus we have all our family back home who has been so supportive of this decision, although I am sure they all just want to be closer to Anberlin. ;) I am hoping that this move doesn't mess up our routine with Anby. We have to drive across the country to AZ and I am so worried of that long road trip with her. And then the time changes she will be going through... I am sure we will have a few rough days when we get there, but she is smart and will get back on schedule perfectly.

In other news, we don't have any signs of teeth yet with her, which I am happy about. I am NOT ready for teething. Plus I love her little gummy smiles. *swoon* She is really good with tummy time and I think she is progressing perfectly in that department. She has started rolling to her side from her back though!

Also, I realized that we have taken a picture of Anberlin every single day since she was born, so I created a flickr page for her and uploaded all of the pictures we had of her. I will maintain it about every week or so, so check back and watch her grow! <3

Well, I think that is all that has happened this month with us and our little Bay.
Until next month... <3

1 comment:

  1. Back in ARIZONA!!!! YAY! I wanna see your baby! Perhaps if you are back by Septemeber, we will stop by and visit for a moment! She's a cute little chunk and I am jealous. Cru is tall and skinny like his daddy. I didn't get any chubs to squish. Glad everything is going great!
