Tuesday, September 3, 2013

One and a Half Years!

Anberlin is 18 months old! <3

Well, hello there. It has been 6 months since I last posted on Anberlin's blog. I had every intention of picking it back up because I love going through this blog and watching her grow through all the pictures but life got busy. But I knew I couldn't miss blogging around her half birthday!

So much has happened in the past six months. We officially have a toddler. A walking, running, (sometimes falling) toddler. Who has almost all of her baby teeth. Who can say about 6 words.

There were times when we thought she would never walk -- and then she did. But she is still getting the hang of it. She falls an awful lot. I wonder if any other babies her age still fall all the time?... But it's nice to be able to have her run around the house. We don't tend to let her roam around outside of the house yet, mainly because of all the falling, but soon when she gets it down she will be free from having to be carrying everywhere! Also, carrying her is still a strain because she refuses to help out with the weight. She is all dead weight in your arms. OY.

We started taking her to the library once a week for a story hour. This is her time to be able to run around with other kids and play and sing. It's so fun to watch her learn and grow. Plus the librarian that runs story hour loves her and always lets her sit on her lap for some of the songs. It's sweet.

She is talking a little bit. Her vocabulary consists of: dada, mama, dog, car, go, and eat. Eat is the funniest one that she says because she drags out the e: "eeeeeeeeeeat". She will also say her form of "thermometer" which is ridiculously cute and impressive that she even wants to try to say such a long word like that. She will still sign once in a while but it's normally things like poop, more, and milk. She is really smart and loves to have us read books to her. We read to her twice a day (before nap and before bed). She normally gets a little occupied playing with her toys during bedtime stories but we know she is paying attention because she will stop what she is doing to interact with the book at certain parts. She is also really good with her alphabet and can point out letters if you ask her to. She is obsessed with this show called Super Why! and they do a lot of spelling and sounding out letters in the show. She will watch it and make the letter sounds with the characters if they ask "what letter makes the nnnn sound?"

She can do things like put corresponding colored shapes into their correct hole on a toy and put all the rings in order by color on her ring holder. It's pretty impressive. I don't tend to know what kids should be doing at this age so I am impressed at every new thing that she learns. She will also associate things together, mostly animals. If we are reading a book that has a giraffe in it, she will get a giraffe toy that she has and place it in the book. She can also make a few animal noises such as monkey, bird, goat, and sheep. Although the monkey and bird sound the same -- both a high pitched scream. Haha.

Her hair is getting so long and she hates when I try to comb it. She would rather do anything else in the world than have her hair combed. Except get her nails cut which she also dislikes. She loves bath time and brushing her teeth, which she has pretty much all in now. I think we are waiting for a few more on the top to finish coming in, but that's it.

Anberlin is so loving and affectionate it is the sweetest thing ever. She will hug and kiss any and everything. Sometimes her toys, sometimes us, sometimes a bite of her food. Haha. She tries to give the dogs kisses all the time and Sahara really wants nothing to do with her and Kahlua just wants to lick her face. It's sad but I think they will like her more when she is older.

Other than that, our lives are pretty routine. So let me bore you with pictures for the last 6 months, because I know that's all you're here for anyway! ;)

1 comment:

  1. She is so adorable!!! I love her so much. There's even a picture of her calling me! <3
