Sunday, March 16, 2014

We have a TWO-nager! {2 Years Old!}

Anberlin is TWO years old!
Six months never really seems like a long time until you are trying to remember what the heck just happened in those last six months.... According to my last blog post, Anberlin was only saying about 6 words at a year and a half. Well let me tell you that her vocabulary has exploded since then. Pediatricians like to keep a word count of how many words a baby is saying by X age but it's impossible to know that exact number. If I had to guess I would say 100 words right now, but who knows. That kid repeats everything we say. Haha. She can make 2-3 word sentences. She says adorable things like "sure" and "oh, okay". She just now started to strongly pronounce the letter N at the end of words and it's so cute: "moo-nuh", "gree-nuh"... And she knows that "no" word really well! Sometimes when you ask her a question she will give you a little side-eye and think for a second and go: "hmm, no!" All you can do is laugh.
She walks, runs, tries to jump, falls a lot, climbs things, using a slide on her own, loves to color, paint, dance, spin... She knows all of her ABCs and can count to 10. She can recognize each number and letter and tell them all to you in order from memory. She knows colors, shapes, and animals. She loves to read letters off of things like she is spelling. She has a growth chart with her name on it in her room and she can read each letter then she says "Anberlin!" but it doesn't really sound like Anberlin yet. Haha. Anything else she reads off will go down like this: "P U R P L E -- Mama!" Hahaha. Yes, everything else spells Mama.
She is getting tall and growing just like she should. Her hair is ridiculously long -- like to the middle of her back already. I refuse to get it cut just yet. I have started to let her pick what she wears sometimes. It leads to hilarious outfits and us not leaving the house. ;) I kid.
This girl is smart and funny and melts the hearts of everyone she comes in contact with. We love her to bits. I cannot believe that she is already two......

Here are some pictures from her birthday party this year. It was "You Are My Sunshine" themed and my mom did an amazing job decorating her house for it!

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