Thursday, September 1, 2011

Surviving Natural Disasters {15 weeks}

Since hitting the beloved second trimester, I think that this pregnancy has come to a screeching halt. This could very well be the slowest thing I have ever had happen in my life. It's not that I want this pregnancy to fly by, I just want to get to the good parts. I want to feel the kicks. I am sure I will be eating my words when Bean shoves their foot in my rib cage, but until then, ignorance is bliss. However, the thought that in 5 weeks I will be at my 1/2 way point really does make this pregnancy seem super fast!

If you didn't watch the news last week, you missed the eventful week the DC area and all of the east coast had. It all started with an Earthquake, which was pretty scary to me. I was just sitting at my desk, minding my own business, and then the room literally started swaying. We were all told to evacuate the building since our buildings aren't made for things like natural disasters. But we survived. Then we had the scare of "Hurricane Irene", which was a legit hurricane in some parts but not where we were. We got some wind and some rain, but we have had worse thunderstorms than that "hurricane" in our little town.

We are finally done with our move from our apartment. Now we just have to organize and unpack the house, which we will be spending this long weekend doing. :) I am also going to drag us out to Babies R Us to look at things. I love window shopping and it will give us ideas of what we want on the baby registry. And I am also going to buy my first pair of maternity jeans. (Eeeep, am I really to that point yet?! Yes. Yes, I am.)

So here is the belly. Not much of a size change, but it's a lot firmer now.

I have been really slacking in buying the fruit of the week. But this week Bean is the size of an orange. describes the baby this week as:
"Your growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces. She's busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. Her legs are growing longer than her arms now, and she can move all of her joints and limbs. Although her eyelids are still fused shut, she can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, she's likely to move away from the beam. There's not much for your baby to taste at this point, but she is forming taste buds. Finally, if you have an ultrasound this week, you may be able to find out whether your baby's a boy or a girl! (Don't be too disappointed if it remains a mystery, though. Nailing down your baby's sex depends on the clarity of the picture and on your baby's position. He or she may be modestly curled up or turned in such a way as to "hide the goods.")"

It is funny that it mentions holding a flashlight to my belly because in the midst of the hurricane drama I had a flashlight out and I was doing that, then both Brad and I wondered if we now blinded the Bean. Glad to know that it's safe.

We still have 25 days until our next appointment and then another week on top of that for the gender scan. See, I told you this pregnancy is moving slow!

<3 Brad & Jenna


  1. I didn't realize you guys are all so close to the hoopla that was going on over there! Glad you all were ok! Gosh I feel exactly the same way, I want to get to all the fun stuff too. I guess we just have to learn some patience though hehe Can't wait to find out what you guys are having, I would bet a girl though.

  2. Don't worry deary, your experiencing the same thing I did, it goes at the same fast/slow weirdness throughout the whole thing! (Or at least so far as I can tell) Oh, and the kicking is amazing, but at the same time 3 am dance parties that keep you awake are not as awesome, lol. Get ready cause that bean will be jumping in no time : )
