Wednesday, July 27, 2011

First OB Appointment! {10 weeks}

We are home from our vacation in Arizona and I am still trying to catch up on my sleep. I am so exhausted and it worsens every single day. But it's okay, I know that every change my body is going through just reminds me that our bean is growing.

We had our first appointment with an OB today. I would say "our" OB, but it doesn't look like we will be able to have the same OB our whole pregnancy. I am not too bothered by that. As long as someone is there when this baby shows up, I will be fine. Haha. Our appointment went smoothly. I have heard that uneventful appointments are the best because it means that things are going good. We got to see the bean again. It was jumping around all over the place. The heartbeat was measured at 159bpm which is good. And if you believe in old wive's tales, that means we are having a girl. Haha. ;) (Anything under 140 = boy, over 140 = girl.)

While we were in Arizona we took a look at some baby stuff. Boy, walking around that baby section in Target was overwhelming. There is so much stuff you need. Why didn't any of you tell us this?! ;) But I can't wait until we can start really looking at stuff and getting the nursery put together. I think that is going to be so much fun!

Now, on to the important stuff.... The baby is the size of a PRUNE this week. And today while walking around the grocery store the thought of prunes turned my stomach so I didn't get any. You all should know what a prune looks like. Haha. But here is my bump:

Also, we have a video of the heartbeat that we heard on our doppler this weekend. I couldn't get a steady hold on where the bean was so the numbers are a little off but you can hear it!

Our next appointment is on August 22nd. I will be about 14 weeks and at the start of the second trimester. Hopefully by then the nausea that keeps coming and going will be gone for good!

Thanks for stopping by!
<3 Brad & Jenna

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